Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Film Lovers Aren't Aliens

I was sitting in a group of people, one of those, "get to know you" freshman circles and we were asked our favorite movie. The films seemed to revolve around "Avatar" or something I had heard of and just didn't care to see. One girl brought up an independent film, shyly commenting that no one probably heard of it. I wondered why it was such a shame in the teenage world, not like a movie that others can't nod their heads in approval. When the words came from my mouth that my favorite was "Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind", I guess I was unaware I turned into an alien. Well I can't expect all teenagers to run out and rent the movie, just because I insist, Jim Carrey was in it. But I wished teenagers, at least, heard of some of these great films. But, thanks to the Internet, I know I am in no way alone. There are many people who watch my films but there are still the ones who complain on Netflix that such films are a waste of time. I only wonder what is a good use of time.

To me, I watch films to feel something while I'm going on the ride. I want to remember the film later. I know if a film is really good if I remember it later, whether it be years or months. If quotes stick with me and help me through life, I know the film has made an impact. So sometimes I don't know even after the credits roll. Those are the films I'll talk about. I'll review the latest, being honest. But, reminding you, a film is per person. Critics won't always be right. Because a film will mean different things to different people because we have all been through different situations.


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